Teacher’s Agreement With Academy
I hereby acknowledge that I agree with the rules and regulations mentioned in the below clauses. I also assure that I will abide all the below mentioned clauses. I further state that I will be solely responsible if any issue raises between me and the family other than academic circles and academy will be free of any charge in this regard. The academy will be free of any charge if any family referred by this academy lodges a complaint other than academics.
1. For Registration in IQ Tutors Academy, It is mandatory for tutors to UPLOAD the following documents:
a) Original Scanned CNIC (Front Side & Back Side)
b) Original Scanned all academic degrees & all Academic certificates. Once Submitted will not Returnable in any case.
c) Upload Face Picture.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Online Registration @ www.tutorsiq.com is mandatory otherwise your Registration will not be acceptable for further process.
2. Percentage Schedule:
i. 60% of the first month fee will be charged for a tuition of three months or more. (50% for females)
ii. 40% of the first month fee will be charged for a tuition of two months. (35% for females)
iii. 30% of the first month fee will be charged for a tuition of one month. (25% for females)
4. First month fee will be collected by academy and Tutor is not allowed to collect the fee by himself / herself. Tutor can Get his\her first month fee share from Office/Jazz cash/Easy paisa/Bank Account
5. Tutor is not allowed to give his/her personal number during trial period.
6. Every tutor is bound to report academy daily by phone during the trial period till the collection of first month fee. Any sort of laziness or irresponsibility is not acceptable.
7. Tutor is bound to teach the tuition once he/she get the address. Therefore, tutor is requested to choose the tuition after complete consideration / satisfaction.
8. Every tutor will have to be punctual and regular, throughout the tuition period, otherwise tuition will be dropped and tutor will be responsible for it.
9. Teacher cannot refer other teacher to the other tuition in his/her place without permission of the academy.
10. Every tutor will have to inform the academy at least 15 days before in case of leaving the tuition.
11. Teacher will not tell/inform the family regarding academy percentage and will not cheat the academy. Otherwise teacher’s registration will be canceled.
12. In case of any complaint from the family, adverse remarks will be added to the history of the tutor. After these adverse remarks tutor will be suspended for a month and Next tuition will be offered to him/her under one of the following conditions
a) Suspended Tutor has to submit his/her ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE / BANK CHEQUE. OR
b) Suspended Tutor will receive his/her first month fee at the end of month from academy.
13. Tutor’s registration will be canceled after two suspensions.
14. The tutor who cheats the academy will be declared black listed in all academies of PAKISTAN.
15. Academy will not refer the tutor for further tuitions after drop of two tuitions.
16. Every tutor will be provided the IQ Tutors Academy membership card after satisfactory completion of one tuition. Tutor will have to return the academy membership card in case of temporary/permanent leaving IQ Tutors Academy.